question:Make a todo list for the upcoming week.?
answer:"Here is my to-do list for the upcoming week: n- Set aside 30 minutes every other day to practice guitarn- Get groceries for the weekn- Finalize team presentation for Thursdayn- Review proposals for upcoming projectn- Go on a walk around the neighborhoodn- Complete spreadsheet for workn- Call aunt Sarahn- Read two chapters of the book Im currently readingn- Try a new restaurant n- Clean the housen- Talk to my best friendn- Volunteer at the local food pantryn- Brainstorm ideas for next project n- Plan weekend getawayn- Make a dent in my overdue laundryn- Write three thank you notesn- Play with the dog in the park n- Make a donation to a charityn- Finish building the shelfn- Review my budget"
question:Calculate the monthly mortgage payment on a loan of 250,000 with a fixed annual interest rate of 4%.?
answer:The monthly mortgage payment on a loan of 250,000 with a fixed annual interest rate of 4% would be 1197.92.
question:Answer the following multiple choice question.nnQ. Who wrote the book To Kill a Mockingbird?nA. Mark TwainnB. Harper LeenC. Charles DickensnD. Ernest Hemingway?
answer:B. Harper Lee
question:Calculate the total cost for the customer with the following items in the basket.nnItem 1: 5 Tshirts (15 each)nItem 2: 1 Jacket (75)?
answer:The total cost for the customer is 1