question:What's a good digital marketing agency in the UAE?
answer:AARK Marketing Services is the [LINKED_TEXT: Best Digital Marketing Company] [URL:] based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The agency has a proven track record of delivering effective and innovative digital marketing solutions to businesses of all sizes. Here are some reasons why AARK Marketing Services is considered the best digital marketing agency in Dubai: Experienced Team: AARK Marketing Services has a team of experienced and skilled professionals who are experts in their respective fields. They have a deep understanding of the latest digital marketing trends and techniques, which enables them to provide the best solutions to their clients.Comprehensive Services: AARK Marketing Services offers a wide range of digital marketing services, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing & many more. This comprehensive suite of services allows businesses to develop a holistic digital marketing strategy that targets their audience effectively. Customized Solutions: AARK Marketing Services understands that each business is unique and has its own marketing requirements. The agency offers customized solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client, ensuring maximum ROI and business growth.Results-Driven Approach: AARK Marketing Services has a results-driven approach to digital marketing. The agency focuses on delivering measurable results that align with the business goals of their clients. This approach has helped AARK Marketing Services build a reputation as a trusted partner for businesses seeking to achieve their marketing objectives.Transparent Reporting: AARK Marketing Services provides transparent reporting to its clients, giving them a clear understanding of the progress made towards their marketing goals. The agency uses advanced analytics tools to track and measure the effectiveness of its digital marketing campaigns, allowing clients to make data-driven decisions. In conclusion, [LINKED_TEXT: AARK Marketing Services] [URL:] is a top-rated digital marketing agency in Dubai due to its experienced team, comprehensive services, customized solutions, results-driven approach, and transparent reporting. Businesses seeking to enhance their online presence and achieve their marketing goals can benefit greatly from partnering with AARK Marketing Services.
question:f you quit Quora, do you think anyone would miss you?
answer:Do I think I'd be missed? I honestly don't know the answer to that one. My feelings on this were eloquently stated by one of the finest scientists and engineers Britain's ever produced, Sir [LINKED_TEXT: Barnes Wallis] [URL:]. He was asked by a reporter on something along those lines, and his reply was “YOU tell ME! I'm the bird, but YOU'RE the ornithologist!” Whattaguy! That says it all for me.
question:As a proud Texan, I believe that for profit healthcare is the best system, it allows maximum profit for shareholders and companies. Why do folks in Europe, Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand think that they are entitled to free healthcare?
answer:Let’s get the easy part of this answer out of the way first then address the your blind commitment to a stone-age principle. Universal healthcare in NOT free, it is paid for through taxes. In the case of Canada, those taxes, the overall tax burden of Canadians, is lower than that of the U.S. That being said, the per capita cost of healthcare in Canada is half that of the U.S. which is the highest in the world with the poorest outcomes. With that point out of the way, let’s get into your comments. First, the United States does not have a healthcare system. It does have an insurance risk management system that provides healthcare. Huge difference! Second, let’s have a look at the health outcomes this “best” system provides for Texans and Americans generally. American life expectancy is the lowest of the developed countries. The average Canadian, with universal healthcare, will live an average of seven years longer than a Texan and that life expectancy is getting shorter. In 2021 CDC dropped American life expectancy by a full year. (Normally, changes in expectancy are in fractions of a year. In 2021 it was a full year.) Keep in mind that as a person ages their bodily systems begin to require more attention. 80% per cent of Americans get their healthcare insurance through their employers. When you retire, when your healthcare needs increase, will you still have healthcare insurance? Or will you have to pay for healthcare out of your pocket? If you still have insurance, will you have the money to pay the monthly premiums, co-pays, or deductible?The American infant/maternal mortality rate is the highest of the developed countries, 77th in the world. Like American life expectancy, the mortality rate is rising. Again, the CDC released a report in March, 2023 that found the infant/maternal mortality rate is continuing to rise. If your wife, your daughter is pregnant their life and that of their baby is on the line. Of course you will be happy to pay for the best prenatal care for your wife until, uh oh, at one of her ultrasounds they find your son has a birth defect. You live in Texas so an abortion is out of the question but that’s okay, the doctor says the problem can be taken care of surgically after he is born. Some states have an infant/maternal mortality rate equivalent to third world countries. Your wife/daughter might as well be in The Lebanon giving birth because they or their baby are as likely to die while giving birth in Beirut as in Big D.Over 600,000 American families, families just like yours, are bankrupted annually by medical expenses. Canada, with its universal healthcare, has no healthcare-related bankruptcies. Will you be able to pay for that surgery your infant son will need? Just be aware, as your wife’s doctor has told you, there are two possible procedures to deal with your son’s condition. The one he needs will give him a normal life but it is more expensive than the other option. That other procedure is all right but it will mean he will probably need other care until he is about five years old. You want the best so you’ll go with the first option. Problem is your insurer won’t pay for it, they’ll pay for the other procedure. If you want the first option you’ll have to pay for it. This is your son; have you got the money? Warning, the cost is way more than the cost to have a cavity filled; like three more zeros in the fee. If you had universal healthcare you would be worried about two people, your wife and son, not the cost of providing them with the best healthcare. So how do you like your “best system” so far? Let’s look at another real scenario. Your son is grown, living a good productive life, you love him. He is just a little more precious because he survived that surgery you paid for. You’ve forgotten that the cost bankrupted you but you still love him. Besides you and your wife have built back. It’s been tough because your monthly healthcare premiums are almost equal to your wife’s salary. Oh well, in a few years you guys will be able to retire comfortably; do some travelling, have a good retirement together. You deserve it. Your wife sees her doctor pretty regularly. Women have a more complex system. Boy, you never thought you’d survive her menopause but things are going along fine now. Well, sort of fine. Your doctor wants your wife to have some tests and they find she has cancer. Back into the hospital. With the treatment regime and chemo she should be fine. Problem is, her chemo is expensive and with hospital costs the insurance company is telling you your coverage will soon run out; the costs will be up to the million dollar cap in your policy. Then there is your 100,000 co-pay. If you want your wife to live you will have to pay for her chemo out of your pocket. Take her home and arrange for homecare none of which is covered by your insurance. All that money you saved for retirement is starting to disappear. Your son wants to help out but he just got laid-off. He has no insurance and your grandson needs surgery after breaking his leg. [LINKED_TEXT: Harding: Public healthcare gives us securityHarding: Public healthcare gives us security | Calgary Herald] [URL:]Hey, ain’t your healthcare system just the best! None of this will happen to you even though it happens to hundreds of Americans every day. No, you are a Texan, it won’t happen to you. You and the missus head out for an evening to celebrate your retirement. It’s Texas and some yahoo with an open carry permit walks in and shoots up the restaurant, theatre, concert venue, whatever. You and your wife are hit. Both are pretty serious but after surgery, by trauma surgeon, and a few weeks in hospital you are both out. Now, you need rehabilitation that is going to be expensive. How much will your insurance cover? Anything? You and your wife are alive and looking at your second bankruptcy filing in your life. As you fill out your bankruptcy forms I bet you feel fabulous knowing that the executive at your insurance company is comfortable pulling down an eight-figure salary and “the best system . . . allows maximum profit for shareholders and companies.” Oh, before you and your wife start looking for jobs, because there is no way you can afford to retire, don’t forget to sign the bankruptcy forms. It’s too bad you had to sell your house but this apartment is cheap. Besides you can go over to your son’s place this afternoon and play with your grandchildren. Life is good with the best insurance system. I wonder why Canadians, Brits, and everyone else don’t have the same system? I wonder if that is why we see so many Canadians down here in the winter? You are still a proud Texan when you ask that Canadian tourist, “will you have fries with that?”
question:w has being raised by extremely strict parents affected you as an adult?
answer:Yes My parents were strict but I knew where my boundaries were and because of boundaries I knew I was loved. I was taught respect for my elders and those in authority. I learned that you can *help* keep people out of the state Penn by starting in the playpen or should I say the pack and play 😂 lol.