question:w powerful are the Power Rangers? How do they compare to characters from Marvel or DC? What are some of their most impressive feats?
answer:OK, I must get this out of the way first: Compared to the characters found in Marvel and DC, the Rangers don’t pass muster. There are no reality warpers, aside from Lord Drakkon. Maybe Dark Specter and Maligore, although we never got to see the extent of their abilities. And they’re enemies anyway, so immaterial to the question at hand. So, Drakkon was the most powerful Ranger ever, and he had reality altering ability. But even still, Drakkon got defeated, and it was his own fault. The Tommy that was defeated and haunted Drakkon had been quietly finding the Rangers that Drakkon defeated, and brought them back. With the help of the Emissaries, beings who act on behalf of the enigmatic Morphin Masters. So now it’s on again. For the final time. But now there’s a plan. They know what must be done. So Drakkon was defeated, all because at the end of the day, he was still Human. For all his power, he got selfish. He wanted adulation. He wanted ultimate power. He wanted to be seen as the savior. And he was willing to kill to get it, and rule with an iron fist. He had the arrogance of Namor or Dr. Doom, but had none of the wisdom. This was the strongest Ranger ever. With the Heart of the Master, he was able to destroy the multiverse, and rebuild it as he saw fit. Sure, you can say that Owen Reece is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, and you’d be right. But he alone would be more than enough to destroy Drakkon. He wouldn’t be enough for the Molecule Man, who made even Galactus fear for his existence. The same Galactus who can shrug off the most powerful attacks from the likes of Odin. Galactus, who was more than enough for Thor, who’s his Herald, and has the Thorforce. And speaking of the Rune King, arguably Thor’s most powerful form (can’t speak to Necro Thor, hence the arguably qualifier,) he was able to defeat Those Who Sit Above in Shadow, whom Odin couldn’t. Those Who Sit Above in Shadow were said to be the Gods to the Gods. Ancient beings older and considerably more powerful even than Odin and the other Skyfathers. They were responsible for the never ending cycle of Ragnarok, and Thor ended it right there, at that moment. He deafened TWSAIS, and destroyed Yggdrassil, the World Tree. If Drakkon had been a bit more imaginative, maybe, and that’s a strong maybe, he’d be on this level. But he was ironically weak. Weakness was the very thing he claimed to have shed. Yet for all his power, he sought adulation. “Pride goeth before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” Pride fell many before him, and he was no different. There are other Marvel characters who’d give him fits, such as the Marquis of Death, the Chaos King, and Jim Jaspers, for starters. DC have their own reality warpers, and they can defeat Drakkon, too. His problem was he lacked vision. Why bother rewriting reality itself, if all you’re going to do is have everyone bend the knee? That’d get real boring, after awhile. And it eventually foments chaos and rebellion. On another note, the BOOM! Comics are awesome. Too bad Saban didn’t wait and adapt them for the new movie, instead of creating that 2017 abomination. The comics make everyone competent. Babboo and Squat are menacing, Rita plays mind games with everyone, and the green chaos energy was brilliant. The mind warped Kimberly reminded me of Psycho Pink. The only Psycho Ranger who was actually able to kill a Ranger. As psychotic as Psycho Blue and Psycho Red were, it was Psycho Pink who ultimately completed her task. Drakkon’s Kim, aka the Ranger Slayer, reminded me of Psycho Pink. Even after she was freed from Drakkon’s control. That’s how great these comics are. The greatest Ranger feats are probably the following: • Defeating Ivan Ooze- Ivan Ooze was an ancient enemy that was far beyond any Power Rangers villain up to that point. Master Vile wouldn’t be as dangerous, and he was able to steal and temporarily the Zeo Crystal. The Machine Empire would be horrible, but even they wouldn’t come close to killing Zordon. Ooze did so with very little effort, showing just how dangerous he was. The Rangers were able to defeat him, something their predecessors couldn’t do 6,000 years ago. • Resurrecting Zordon with the Ninjetti powers- This was a power not shown in Power Rangers before, or since. The Great Power, which was only shown in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie, had the potential to do many things the Rangers couldn’t before. One such thing was the ability to resurrect Zordon, who’d passed while the Rangers were on their quest to get power to defeat Ooze. • Defeating Astronema during the Countdown- In the in Space season finale, which was supposed to be the series finale, Astronema had marshaled her truly massive forces, and spread them across the universe, striking any place that were part of the forces of light. Eltar, Edenoi, Aquitar, it didn’t matter where it was. There were Piranhatrons, Z Putties, Tengas, and Quantrons alike. There were warlords, like Divatox, Lord Zedd, King Mondo, and Rita, all attacking. Things were looking very bleak for Earth, which had been slated for destruction by Astronema, after she felt they were hiding the Rangers from her. But they showed up, and eventually defeated her. The Legendary Battle from Super Megaforce pales in comparison. These are the most impressive Ranger feats that come to mind.
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answer:Yes self confidence helps a person very much and can a key role in the success of the person. You can read about self confidence here [LINKED_TEXT: ways to increase confidence and self trust - bloggernewstechSmall goal setting | Positive self-talk | Building self-confidence | Increasing self-trust | Supportive relationships | bloggernewstech| bloggernewste] [URL:]
question:My partner of one month doesn’t like my therapy dog of 10 years. What should I do?
answer:kick stupid to the curb and keep the therapy dog
question:w do you know that you have found a true friend?
answer:A friend will help you move.A true friend will help you move a body.