question:w would the universe look without gravity? It would have no planets and no stars. Thats how it looked when it was young. When the universe was young, there was only gas and dust. From this gas and dust, everything we now see was made. How were stars and planets created from just gas and dust? The answer is gravity. The same gravity that holds you down on Earth. The same force that causes your pencil to roll off your desk. The same force that causes it to fall to the floor. The invisible force of gravity caused dust and gas particles to be pulled together. This force is what formed all the objects in our solar system. This force formed the smallest moons. It also formed our Sun. This force caused more than just our solar system to form. It caused all the other solar systems to form. It caused the formation of all the galaxies of the universe. Decide whether It caused objects to be pulled toward the earth is a valid answer to the following question: What does gravity do on Earth? Answer yes or no.
question:ere's a problem to solve: Which technique will researchers studying the inheritance patterns of various disorders most likely use? Among the 4 following options, which is the correct answer? A: cladogram B: DNA fingerprinting C: gel electrophoresis D: chromosomal analy
answer:The most likely technique that researchers studying the inheritance patterns of various disorders will use is D: chromosomal analysis.
question:Where would you find an anemone off the eastern U.S.? game preserve intertidal zone atlantic ocean south pacific sea water The best answer
answer:intertidal zone.
question:Answer the following question given this paragraph: Regional metamorphism occurs over a large area when a rock is buried or compressed. Q: What occurs over a large area when a rock is buried or compressed?
answer:Regional metamorphism.