question:Most sexually reproducing organisms are diploid, with paired chromosomes, but doubling of their chromosome number may occur due to errors in cytokinesis. This can occur early in development to produce an autopolyploid or partly autopolyploid organism, or during normal processes of cellular differentiation to produce some cell types that are polyploid (endopolyploidy), or during gamete formation. An allopolyploid plant may result from a hybridisation event between two different species. Both autopolyploid and allopolyploid plants can often reproduce normally, but may be unable to crossbreed successfully with the parent population because there is a mismatch in chromosome numbers. These plants that are reproductively isolated from the parent species but live within the same geographical area, may be sufficiently successful to form a new species. Some otherwise sterile plant polyploids can still reproduce vegetatively or by seed apomixis, forming clonal populations of identical individuals. Durum wheat is a fertile tetraploid allopolyploid, while bread wheat is a fertile hexaploid. The commercial banana is an example of a sterile, seedless triploid hybrid. Common dandelion is a triploid that produces viable seeds by apomictic seed. What happens to these new plants if they are able to reproduce?
answer:If these new plants are able to reproduce, they may form a new species, which may or may not be able to interbreed with the parent species. They may also form clonal populations of identical individuals through vegetative or apomictic seed reproduction.
question:What would be an example of an negative review?
answer:Example negative review: "I had an awful experience at this restaurant. The food was cold and unappetizing, and the service was incredibly slow. To top it off, the restaurant was extremely noisy and uncomfortable. I would not recommend this place to anyone."
question:Generate a context and a hypothesis.
answer:Context: Increasing use of social media platforms by college students has been a topic of interest for researchers in recent years. Hypothesis: College students who use social media frequently have higher levels of perceived social support compared to those who use it less frequently.
question:w does the next paragraph end? How to teach proper digital behavior Be an active netizen (internet citizen). You cannot teach what you do not know, so if you haven't already, set up your own account on the social networking sites that your child is asking permission to use or is already using. This will help you to get acquainted with how the site works, the kind of content available and the possible interactions among users. OPTIONS: Even nowadays there are inlaws making use of book, movies, websites and internet history. When the online world is possible simply put these things up like a computer monitor. Most online websites are set up with bots. Plus, they can help you teach basic skills such as how to interact (cv). You can work this information into your user interface. Write a blog or daily post that provides basic information about your child that will help you to be a netizen. By doing this, you can give better guidance to your child on the do's and don't's when using these sites. Read articles about internet use and safety.
answer:By doing this, you can give better guidance to your child on the do's and don'ts when using these sites. Read articles about internet use and safety.