question:What concepts are described in the following sentence? William Anders was an American born in British Hong Kong who served as part of NASA's Apollo 8 crew. Apollo 8 was commanded by Frank Borman, and also included Buzz Aldrin as a backup pilot. Return the answer as pairs of triples.
answer:Concepts in the sentence: - Person: William Anders (American, born in British Hong Kong) - Organization: NASA - Event: Apollo 8 mission (commanded by Frank Borman, crew included William Anders and Buzz Aldrin as backup pilot)
question:She wore a boiled leather chestguard molded perfectly around the shape of her bare breasts. Does it follow that She wore a chestguard around her breasts.? OPTIONS: yes it is not possible to tell no
question:ere is some data: Travellers Rest Beefeater eatType restaurant; Travellers Rest Beefeater priceRange £2025; Travellers Rest Beefeater familyFriendly yes. Write a sentence that describes this d
answer:The data describes the Travellers Rest Beefeater restaurant, which has a price range of £20-25 and is family-friendly.
question:OnSaturdayitwillbefairallday.Duringthenightvariablecloudy,butmostlydryweatherwillprevail.Morningtemperatureswillbearound11°C.Duringthedaytheywillreachamaximumof18°C.Lowtemperaturesatnightwillbearound11°C.Northerlywindsareweak. Generate a sentence using the above character
answer:Saturday will be fair during the day, with variable cloudy but mostly dry weather at night, temperatures ranging from 11°C in the morning to a maximum of 18°C during the day, and weak northerly winds.