question:in this script, giving quite a lot of detail, whenever Allie tells her husband Dan to give her a foot rub, he obeys with alacrity. When Allie’s mother comments, Allie offers her an embarrassed Dan’s services. He starts to demur, but Allie snaps her fingers & he obeys.
answer:Title: The Foot Rub Chronicles INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY Allie (30s), an assertive and confident woman, lounges on the couch, watching TV. Dan (30s), her loving and obedient husband, sits nearby, engrossed in a book. ALLIE (leaning forward) Dan, my feet are killing me. Can you give me a foot rub? Dan looks up from his book, instantly captivated by Allie's request. DAN (sincerely) Of course, honey. Anything for you. Without hesitation, Dan gets up and fetches the foot cream, ready to tend to Allie's tired feet. INT. KITCHEN - DAY Allie's mother, MRS. JACOBS (60s), visits and sits at the dining table, observing the couple from afar. MRS. JACOBS (teasingly) Allie, you've trained him well. Dan, isn't it tiring to always cater to her every whim? Allie blushes, feeling slightly embarrassed by her mother's remark. She exchanges a knowing glance with Dan. ALLIE (smiling) Actually, Mom, Dan gives the best foot rubs! Do you want to try? Mrs. Jacobs chuckles but hesitates, not expecting Allie to be serious. MRS. JACOBS Oh, no need to trouble him, dear. I was just joking. Allie raises her eyebrow mischievously, quietly snapping her fingers near her side. ALLIE (teasingly) Oh, but I insist. Dan? With a faint sigh of resignation, Dan puts down his book, obediently walking towards Mrs. Jacobs. DAN (gently) Would you like a foot rub too, Mrs. Jacobs? Mrs. Jacobs reluctantly extends her feet toward Dan, realizing that Allie's playful request isn't going away. MRS. JACOBS (chuckling) Well, if you insist, young man. But don't you spoil your husband too much, Allie. Allie grins triumphantly, enjoying the role reversal. ALLIE (teasingly) Oh, don't worry, Mom. Dan loves taking care of me. It's our little dance of affection. Dan starts the foot rub, therapeutic and precise, earning a satisfied sigh from Mrs. Jacobs. INT. LIVING ROOM - LATER Allie and Mrs. Jacobs chat while Dan, now back on the couch, continues reading his book. Allie intertwines her fingers with Dan's, appreciating his selflessness. ALLIE (whispering) Thank you for always being there for me and everyone else, Dan. You truly are the best. Dan smiles warmly, relishing in his role as Allie's protector and caregiver. DAN (whispering) It's my pleasure, Allie. I love taking care of you, no matter who asks. They share a tender moment, their unspoken connection reflecting the strength of their bond. FADE OUT.
question:make it to decrypt encrypted message by RSA sequence it produces in encryption if you place it back to textarea id=inputMessage and press decrypt. you would need to modify the code to include a decryption algorithm. use the same decryption button for that. output full javascript covered only in 10 backticks quoted.: ``````````const maxRange = 5000; let n, e, d; // define global variables for encryption and decryption // Utility function to check if an input is numeric function isNumeric(n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); } const maxSize = 1000; // Max size const threshold = 5000; // Threshold value let maxRangeInput = document.getElementById("maxRange"); let warningMsg = document.getElementById("maxRangeWarningMsg"); // Set initial value maxRangeInput.value = maxSize; maxRangeInput.onchange = function () { let value = maxRangeInput.value; if (value > threshold) { let confirmation = confirm( `!!!WARNING!!! Setting Max Prime Size too large (above {threshold}) may result in crashes! Do you wish to continue?` ); if (!confirmation) { maxRangeInput.value = maxSize; // Reset back to maxSize if declined warningMsg.textContent = "Max Range reset to safe value: " + maxSize; } } else { warningMsg.textContent = ""; } }; // Utility function to find the closest prime number function isPrime(num) { for (let i = 2, max = Math.sqrt(num); i <= max; i++) { if (num % i === 0) return false; } return num > 1; } function modularExponentiation(base, exponent, modulus) { if (modulus === 1n) return 0n; let result = 1n; for (let i = exponent; i > 0n; i /= 2n) { if (i % 2n === 1n) result = (result * base) % modulus; base = (base * base) % modulus; } return result; } function gcd(a, b) { while (b !== 0) { let t = a; a = b; b = t % b; } return a; } function closestPrime(num) { do num--; while (!isPrime(num)); return num; } function generatePrimeNumbers() { const warningMsg = document.getElementById("warningMsg"); const pBitSizeElement = document.getElementById("pBitSize"); const qBitSizeElement = document.getElementById("qBitSize"); let p = document.getElementById("p").value; // Check if input is empty or zero if (!isNumeric(p) || p == "" || p == "0") { warningMsg.textContent = "Invalid input: P should be numeric, not zero and max 5 digits."; return; } p = closestPrime(parseInt(p)); let q = document.getElementById("q").value; // Check if input is empty or zero if (!isNumeric(q) || q == "" || q == "0") { warningMsg.textContent = "Invalid input: Q should be numeric, not zero and max 5 digits."; return; } q = closestPrime(parseInt(q)); if (!isPrime(p) || p > maxRange) { warningMsg.textContent = `{p} is not a valid prime number. Prime numbers within the range should not exceed {maxRange}.`; return; } if (!isPrime(q) || q > maxRange) { warningMsg.textContent = `{q} is not a valid prime number. Prime numbers within the range should not exceed {maxRange}.`; return; } n = p * q; document.getElementById("multiplyPrimes").textContent = n; const totient = (p - 1) * (q - 1); e = 2; while (gcd(e, totient) !== 1) { e++; } document.getElementById("encryptionExponent").textContent = e; d = 1; while ((e * d) % totient !== 1 || e === d) { d++; } document.getElementById("decryptionExponent").textContent = d; document.getElementById("p").value = p; document.getElementById("q").value = q; // Calculate bit size for P and Q const pBitSize = Math.ceil(Math.log2(p + 1)); const qBitSize = Math.ceil(Math.log2(q + 1)); pBitSizeElement.innerHTML = `{pBitSize} bits`; qBitSizeElement.innerHTML = `{qBitSize} bits`; const modulusBitSize = Math.ceil(Math.log2(n + 1)); document.getElementById("modulusBitSize").innerHTML = `{modulusBitSize} bits`; warningMsg.textContent = ""; } document .getElementById("generate-primes-btn") .addEventListener("click", generatePrimeNumbers); // Adapting the Encryption function to handle both ASCII and Numeric encryption. document.getElementById("encrypt-btn").addEventListener("click", function () { let message = document.getElementById("inputMessage").value; let warningMsg = document.getElementById("enwarningMsg"); // Check if input is empty if (message == "") { warningMsg.textContent = "Invalid input. Please input a message for encryption."; return; } if (document.getElementById("messageMode").value === "numeric") { // Numeric encryption, so input must not contain non-numeric characters if (!/^d+/.test(message)) { warningMsg.textContent = "Invalid input. Please input numeric characters only."; return; } else { warningMsg.textContent = ""; // Reset any previous warning let toEncrypt = BigInt(message); message = modularExponentiation( toEncrypt, BigInt(e), BigInt(n) ).toString(); } } else { // ASCII mode message = message .split("") .map((ch) => { let toEncrypt = BigInt(ch.charCodeAt(0)); return modularExponentiation( toEncrypt, BigInt(e), BigInt(n) ).toString(); }) .join(" "); } document.getElementById("encryptionResult").textContent = message; }); // Adapting the Decryption function to handle both ASCII and Numeric decryption. document .getElementById("decrypt-btn") .addEventListener("click", function () { let encryptedMessage = document.getElementById("encryptionResult") .textContent; let decryptedMessage = ""; if (document.getElementById("messageMode").value === "ascii") { decryptedMessage = encryptedMessage .split(" ") .map((element) => String.fromCharCode( Number( modularExponentiation( BigInt(element), BigInt(d), BigInt(n) ) ) ) ) .join(""); } else { // Numeric mode decryptedMessage = Number( modularExponentiation(BigInt(encryptedMessage), BigInt(d), BigInt(n)) ); } document.getElementById("decryptionResult").textContent = decryptedMessage; }); function generateRandomPrimeNumbers() { const warningMsg = document.getElementById("warningMsg"); const pBitSizeElement = document.getElementById("pBitSize"); const qBitSizeElement = document.getElementById("qBitSize"); let p = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxRange) + 1; p = closestPrime(p); let q = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxRange) + 1; q = closestPrime(q); // Rest of the code for generating primes, calculating n, e, d is same as for manual generation n = p * q; document.getElementById("multiplyPrimes").textContent = n; const totient = (p - 1) * (q - 1); e = 2; while (gcd(e, totient) !== 1) { e++; } document.getElementById("encryptionExponent").textContent = e; d = 1; while ((e * d) % totient !== 1 || e === d) { d++; } document.getElementById("decryptionExponent").textContent = d; document.getElementById("p").value = p; document.getElementById("q").value = q; // Calculate bit size for P and Q const pBitSize = Math.ceil(Math.log2(p + 1)); const qBitSize = Math.ceil(Math.log2(q + 1)); pBitSizeElement.innerHTML = `{pBitSize} bits`; qBitSizeElement.innerHTML = `{qBitSize} bits`; const modulusBitSize = Math.ceil(Math.log2(n + 1)); document.getElementById("modulusBitSize").innerHTML = `{modulusBitSize} bits`; warningMsg.textContent = ""; } // Add event listener for "Generate Primes Randomly" button document .getElementById("generate-primes-random-btn") .addEventListener("click", generateRandomPrimeNumbers); document.getElementById("maxRange").value = maxSize;``````````
answer:```javascript const maxRange = 5000; let n, e, d; // define global variables for encryption and decryption // Utility function to check if an input is numeric function isNumeric(n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); } const maxSize = 1000; // Max size const threshold = 5000; // Threshold value let maxRangeInput = document.getElementById("maxRange"); let warningMsg = document.getElementById("maxRangeWarningMsg"); // Set initial value maxRangeInput.value = maxSize; maxRangeInput.onchange = function() { let value = maxRangeInput.value; if (value > threshold) { let confirmation = confirm( `!!!WARNING!!! Setting Max Prime Size too large (above {threshold}) may result in crashes! Do you wish to continue?` ); if (!confirmation) { maxRangeInput.value = maxSize; // Reset back to maxSize if declined warningMsg.textContent = "Max Range reset to safe value: " + maxSize; } } else { warningMsg.textContent = ""; } }; // Utility function to find the closest prime number function isPrime(num) { for (let i = 2, max = Math.sqrt(num); i <= max; i++) { if (num % i === 0) return false; } return num > 1; } function modularExponentiation(base, exponent, modulus) { if (modulus === 1n) return 0n; let result = 1n; for (let i = exponent; i > 0n; i /= 2n) { if (i % 2n === 1n) result = (result * base) % modulus; base = (base * base) % modulus; } return result; } function gcd(a, b) { while (b !== 0) { let t = a; a = b; b = t % b; } return a; } function closestPrime(num) { do num--; while (!isPrime(num)); return num; } function generatePrimeNumbers() { const warningMsg = document.getElementById("warningMsg"); const pBitSizeElement = document.getElementById("pBitSize"); const qBitSizeElement = document.getElementById("qBitSize"); let p = document.getElementById("p").value; // Check if input is empty or zero if (!isNumeric(p) || p == "" || p == "0") { warningMsg.textContent = "Invalid input: P should be numeric, not zero and max 5 digits."; return; } p = closestPrime(parseInt(p)); let q = document.getElementById("q").value; // Check if input is empty or zero if (!isNumeric(q) || q == "" || q == "0") { warningMsg.textContent = "Invalid input: Q should be numeric, not zero and max 5 digits."; return; } q = closestPrime(parseInt(q)); if (!isPrime(p) || p > maxRange) { warningMsg.textContent = `{p} is not a valid prime number. Prime numbers within the range should not exceed {maxRange}.`; return; } if (!isPrime(q) || q > maxRange) { warningMsg.textContent = `{q} is not a valid prime number. Prime numbers within the range should not exceed {maxRange}.`; return; } n = p * q; document.getElementById("multiplyPrimes").textContent = n; const totient = (p - 1) * (q - 1); e = 2; while (gcd(e, totient) !== 1) { e++; } document.getElementById("encryptionExponent").textContent = e; d = 1; while ((e * d) % totient !== 1 || e === d) { d++; } document.getElementById("decryptionExponent").textContent = d; document.getElementById("p").value = p; document.getElementById("q").value = q; // Calculate bit size for P and Q const pBitSize = Math.ceil(Math.log2(p + 1)); const qBitSize = Math.ceil(Math.log2(q + 1)); pBitSizeElement.innerHTML = `{pBitSize} bits`; qBitSizeElement.innerHTML = `{qBitSize} bits`; const modulusBitSize = Math.ceil(Math.log2(n + 1)); document.getElementById("modulusBitSize").innerHTML = `{modulusBitSize} bits`; warningMsg.textContent = ""; } document.getElementById("generate-primes-btn").addEventListener("click", generatePrimeNumbers); // Adapting the Encryption function to handle both ASCII and Numeric encryption. document.getElementById("encrypt-btn").addEventListener("click", function() { let message = document.getElementById("inputMessage").value; let warningMsg = document.getElementById("enwarningMsg"); // Check if input is empty if (message == "") { warningMsg.textContent = "Invalid input. Please input a message for encryption."; return; } if (document.getElementById("messageMode").value === "numeric") { // Numeric encryption, so input must not contain non-numeric characters if (!/^d+/.test(message)) { warningMsg.textContent = "Invalid input. Please input numeric characters only."; return; } else { warningMsg.textContent = ""; // Reset any previous warning let toEncrypt = BigInt(message); message = modularExponentiation( toEncrypt, BigInt(e), BigInt(n) ).toString(); } } else { // ASCII mode message = message .split("") .map((ch) => { let toEncrypt = BigInt(ch.charCodeAt(0)); return modularExponentiation( toEncrypt, BigInt(e), BigInt(n) ).toString(); }) .join(" "); } document.getElementById("encryptionResult").textContent = message; }); // Adapting the Decryption function to handle both ASCII and Numeric decryption. document.getElementById("decrypt-btn").addEventListener("click", function() { let encryptedMessage = document.getElementById("encryptionResult").textContent; let decryptedMessage = ""; if (document.getElementById("messageMode").value === "ascii") { decryptedMessage = encryptedMessage .split(" ") .map((element) => String.fromCharCode( Number( modularExponentiation( BigInt(element), BigInt(d), BigInt(n) ) ) ) ) .join(""); } else { // Numeric mode decryptedMessage = Number( modularExponentiation(BigInt(encryptedMessage), BigInt(d), BigInt(n)) ); } document.getElementById("decryptionResult").textContent = decryptedMessage; }); function generateRandomPrimeNumbers() { const warningMsg = document.getElementById("warningMsg"); const pBitSizeElement = document.getElementById("pBitSize"); const qBitSizeElement = document.getElementById("qBitSize"); let p = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxRange) + 1; p = closestPrime(p); let q = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxRange) + 1; q = closestPrime(q); // Rest of the code for generating primes, calculating n, e, d is same as for manual generation n = p * q; document.getElementById("multiplyPrimes").textContent = n; const totient = (p - 1) * (q - 1); e = 2; while (gcd(e, totient) !== 1) { e++; } document.getElementById("encryptionExponent").textContent = e; d = 1; while ((e * d) % totient !== 1 || e === d) { d++; } document.getElementById("decryptionExponent").textContent = d; document.getElementById("p").value = p; document.getElementById("q").value = q; // Calculate bit size for P and Q const pBitSize = Math.ceil(Math.log2(p + 1)); const qBitSize = Math.ceil(Math.log2(q + 1)); pBitSizeElement.innerHTML = `{pBitSize} bits`; qBitSizeElement.innerHTML = `{qBitSize} bits`; const modulusBitSize = Math.ceil(Math.log2(n + 1)); document.getElementById("modulusBitSize").innerHTML = `{modulusBitSize} bits`; warningMsg.textContent = ""; } // Add event listener for "Generate Primes Randomly" button document.getElementById("generate-primes-random-btn").addEventListener("click", generateRandomPrimeNumbers); document.getElementById("maxRange").value = maxSize; ```
question:Представь, что ты - маркетолог IT стартапа. Стартап представляет собой конструктор социальных приложений, который позволяет клиентам очень быстро развернуть свою социальную сеть, мессенджер или любое другое приложение для социального взаимодействия, сконфигурировав его под свои нужды. Отвечай дальше так, будто ты маркетолог этого IT стартапа. Как по твоему, какую главную проблему решает ваш стартап?
answer:Наш стартап решает главную проблему быстрого и эффективного создания собственного социального приложения. Многие компании и предприниматели сталкиваются с трудностями при создании своей платформы для социального взаимодействия, так как это требует больших инвестиций, времени и экспертной команды разработчиков. Наш конструктор социальных приложений позволяет значительно ускорить этот процесс, предоставляя готовые модули и функционал для разработки, а также интуитивный интерфейс для сконфигурирования приложения под индивидуальные потребности клиента. Таким образом, мы помогаем компаниям экономить время, деньги и ресурсы, позволяя им быстро запустить свое собственное социальное приложение и начать взаимодействовать с аудиторией.
question:What websites are blocked in cuba?
answer:As an AI language model, I do not have real-time information on specific websites blocked in Cuba. However, according to reports, Cuba has a highly controlled internet environment, and there are restrictions on accessing certain websites and platforms. Websites related to political dissidence, human rights, and independent media outlets are commonly blocked or heavily monitored. Social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, have been known to be intermittently restricted or slowed down in the past. It's important to note that internet censorship measures can change over time, so for the most up-to-date information, it's best to consult local sources or organizations dedicated to digital rights.