question:can use this background: Fish reproduce sexually. They lay eggs that can be fertilized either inside or outside of the body. In most fish, the eggs develop outside of the mother's body. In the majority of these species, fertilization also takes place outside the mother's body. The male and female fish release their gametes into the surrounding water, where fertilization occurs. Female fish release very high numbers of eggs to increase the chances of fertilization. Now, I have a new situation: Two brothers learned about animal reproduction, Tim learned about fish reproduction, while Bill learned about mammal reproduction. They both received grade A. Answer this question please: Which brother studied more about female fish releasing their gametes into the surrounding water?
answer:Tim studied more about female fish releasing their gametes into the surrounding water.
question:want to test the ability of students to read a passage and answer questions about it. Could you please come up with a good question for the passage High levels of precipitation cause the glaciers to descend to permafrost levels in some areas whereas in other, more arid regions, glaciers remain above about the 3,500 m (11,483 ft) level. The 1,817 square kilometres (702 sq mi) of the Alps covered by glaciers in 1876 had shrunk to 1,342 km2 (518 sq mi) by 1973, resulting in decreased river runoff levels. Forty percent of the glaciation in Austria has disappeared since 1850, and 30% of that in Switzerland.?
answer:What is the reason behind the decrease in river run-off levels, as mentioned in the passage?
question:What is a question that would give the following answer? Answer: the District Court for the Eastern District of New York; Questio
answer:What is the name of the court that handles federal cases in the Eastern District of New York?
question:Context: Born in 1926, Harper Lee grew up in the Southern town of Monroeville, Alabama, where she became close friends with soontobe famous writer Truman Capote. She attended Huntingdon College in Montgomery (1944–45), and then studied law at the University of Alabama (1945–49). While attending college, she wrote for campus literary magazines: Huntress at Huntingdon and the humor magazine Rammer Jammer at the University of Alabama. At both colleges, she wrote short stories and other works about racial injustice, a rarely mentioned topic on such campuses at the time. In 1950, Lee moved to New York City, where she worked as a reservation clerk for British Overseas Airways Corporation; there, she began writing a collection of essays and short stories about people in Monroeville. Hoping to be published, Lee presented her writing in 1957 to a literary agent recommended by Capote. An editor at J. B. Lippincott , who bought the manuscript, advised her to quit the airline and concentrate on writing. Donations from friends allowed her to write uninterrupted for a year.; Question: Who was the famous writer Lee became close friends with? Is this question answerable?
answer:Yes, the question is answerable. Answer: Truman Capote.