question:What is a question about this article? If the question is unanswerable, say unanswerable. Since their domestication, a large number of breeds of chickens have been established, but with the exception of the white Leghorn, most commercial birds are of hybrid origin. In about 1800, chickens began to be kept on a larger scale, and modern highoutput poultry farms were present in the United Kingdom from around 1920 and became established in the United States soon after the Second World War. By the mid20th century, the poultry meatproducing industry was of greater importance than the egglaying industry. Poultry breeding has produced breeds and strains to fulfil different needs; lightframed, egglaying birds that can produce 300 eggs a year; fastgrowing, fleshy birds destined for consumption at a young age, and utility birds which produce both an acceptable number of eggs and a wellfleshed carcase. Male birds are unwanted in the egglaying industry and can often be identified as soon as they are hatch for subsequent culling. In meat breeds, these birds are sometimes castrated (often chemically) to prevent aggression. The resulting bird, called a capon, has more tender and flavorful meat, as well. Why does no breeding for poultry exist today?
question:Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Alimentum eatType restaurant; Alimentum food Fast food
answer:Alimentum is a refined eatType restaurant, the antithesis of the common Fast food establishments, where the carefully crafted Alimentum food is enjoyed in a serene and elegant environment.
question:before buying a lawn mower wolfgarten blue power 34 e ask all your options, equipment, appearance and warranty from the seller. please note that we are not engaged in the sale and manufacture warranty. Can you repeat this sentence, but capitalize it correctly?
answer:Before buying a lawn mower Wolf-Garten Blue Power 34 E, ask all your options, equipment, appearance, and warranty from the seller. Please note that we are not engaged in the sale and manufacture warranty.
question:Generate a positive review for a place.
answer:Amazing place! The atmosphere is vibrant and welcoming. The staff is friendly and attentive. The food is fantastic, delicious and beautifully presented. The overall experience was outstanding and highly recommended. Will definitely be back!