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answer:北京最有名的上门除甲醛公司有以下几家: 1. 北京京净好净环境科技有限公司 2. 北京甲醛市场 3. 北京恒途环境科技有限公司 4. 北京清风净味环境科技有限公司 5. 北京绿色环保科技有限公司 以上是北京比较有名的上门除甲醛公司,但如需选择公司服务,建议进行更多调查和咨询以找到最适合自己需求的公司。


answer:PyFlink没有直接提供使用pandas中的apply函数的功能,但可以通过使用PyFlink的udf函数来实现类似的功能。 首先,需要编写一个Python函数,该函数与pandas中的apply函数具有相同的功能。例如,下面是一个示例函数: ```python import pandas as pd def apply_func(df): return df.apply(lambda row: row['column1'] + row['column2'], axis=1) ``` 接下来,在PyFlink中,首先需要将该函数注册为一个udf函数。可以使用`scalar_function`装饰器来实现。如下所示: ```python from pyflink.table import DataTypes from pyflink.table.udf import udf, ScalarFunction @udf(result_type=DataTypes.DOUBLE(), func_type='pandas') class ApplyFunction(ScalarFunction): def eval(self, df): return apply_func(df) ``` 然后,可以将PyFlink的Table API和SQL中使用该udf函数。例如,在Table API中可以使用`register_function`方法将该udf函数注册到Table环境中,并在查询中使用。 ```python from pyflink.table import TableEnvironment table_env = TableEnvironment.get_default() table_env.register_function("apply_func", ApplyFunction()) table_env.from_pandas(df).select("column1, column2, apply_func(column1, column2)").to_pandas() ``` 需要注意的是,PyFlink的udf函数只能处理Pandas的DataFrame,无法处理Series。因此,在将DataFrame传递给udf函数之前,需要确保数据以DataFrame的形式传递。

question:Let's write a blog post that will rank on Google. I want you to try to include {keywords}. You should use markdown formatting, including bold, UL/OL, and write with a degree of creativity, burstiness, and human-like. And taking into account Average Perplexity, and Burstiness scores. and Predictability. The article is “Tips for Maintaining Good Health During Work ” Written in the language ( الانجليزية ). Do not speak in the default classical language, try to be colloquial, closer to the reader. Do not use numbers 1, 2, or 3, and so I do not use only points or punctuation. I use stop signs and do not use parentheses. I just want a different wording from writing chat gpt so that it is completely different in style. There are also minor spelling errors and human errors in regular notation. The keyword you want to target in the search results is (health)

answer:Tips for Staying Fit and Fabulous at Work # Welcome, health enthusiasts! Are you tired of feeling sluggish and drained after a long day at work? Well, you've come to the right place! In this blog post, we're going to spill the beans on how you can maintain good **health**, even amidst the chaos of your daily professional life. So, buckle up and get ready for some fabulous tips to keep you on your A-game! # 1. Fuel Your Body Right 🥦 We all know that feeling when our stomach starts growling during an important meeting. Don't worry, it happens to the best of us! The key here is to fuel your body with the right kind of nourishment. Incorporate a colorful array of fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains into your meals. These beauties will provide the necessary nutrients your body needs to power through the day! Bye-bye, afternoon energy slump! # 2. H2O to the Rescue 💧 Water, water, water! We can't stress this enough. Staying hydrated is the golden rule for a healthy mind and body. Sip on that refreshing aqua all day long to keep **health** issues at bay. It's super easy to forget to drink enough water when your to-do list is as long as a giraffe's neck, but make it a habit! Keep a water bottle on your desk, drink in between tasks, and watch your productivity soar! # 3. Shake a Leg, Literally 🕺 Sitting at your desk all day long can make you feel like a potato stuck in a couch. It's time to shake things up! Incorporate physical activity into your day whenever possible. Whether it's taking short walking breaks, doing desk exercises, or even busting a move during your lunch break, make sure to get your blood pumping! This not only helps you stay fit but also boosts your mood and creativity. Plus, it's a foolproof way of impressing your colleagues with some extraordinary dance moves! # 4. Power Nap to Recharge ⚡ Has that post-lunch slump become a recurring nightmare? Fear not, for power naps are here to save the day! Embrace the magic of a short snooze during your break time. Just 10-15 minutes of shut-eye can work wonders, leaving you feeling refreshed and ready to conquer any obstacles that come your way. Trust us, your boss will thank you for those extra bursts of energy! # 5. Mental Detox Time 🧘 Believe it or not, your mental wellbeing is just as important as your physical **health**! Throughout the day, take a few moments to indulge in some good old relaxation techniques. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, or even try a quick meditation session. Clearing your mind from work stress and allowing it to unwind is crucial for maintaining overall well-being. Your brain will thank you with improved focus and productivity! # 6. Office Buddy Fitness Challenge 💪 Who says maintaining **health** can't be fun? Get your colleagues involved in a friendly fitness challenge! Set weekly goals, encourage each other, and make staying active a team effort. This not only promotes a positive work environment but also holds you accountable for your fitness journey. Plus, bragging rights for the winner, of course! # Get Ready to Take the Leap Towards Optimal Health! Incorporating these easy-to-follow tips into your work routine will set you on a path towards a healthier lifestyle. While work may be demanding, it shouldn't come at the cost of your well-being. Remember, a little effort goes a long way! So rise above the challenges, embrace good **health**, and watch yourself conquer both your professional and personal goals with ease. Cheers to a fit and fabulous you! 🥂

question:Comment faire le schéma de circulation de gestion de frais scolaires

answer:Pour créer un schéma de circulation de gestion des frais scolaires, vous pouvez suivre les étapes suivantes : 1. Identifiez les différentes parties prenantes impliquées dans la gestion des frais scolaires, telles que les élèves, les parents, le personnel administratif de l'école, les enseignants, etc. 2. Identifiez les différentes étapes du processus de gestion des frais scolaires, telles que la collecte des informations sur les frais, l'établissement des factures, les modalités de paiement, etc. 3. Créez un diagramme de flux qui représente ces différentes étapes du processus. Utilisez des formes géométriques, des flèches et des lignes pour connecter les différentes étapes. 4. Décrivez chaque étape du processus en utilisant des annotations ou des légendes pour expliquer ce qui se passe à chaque étape. 5. Identifiez les points de décision dans le processus, tels que les étapes où les décisions doivent être prises concernant les modalités de paiement, les demandes d'aide financière, etc. Ajoutez des branches ou des embranchements au diagramme pour représenter ces décisions. 6. Ajoutez des informations supplémentaires ou des commentaires pertinents pour clarifier le processus ou donner des indications sur les rôles et responsabilités des différentes parties prenantes. 7. Vérifiez le schéma final pour vous assurer qu'il représente clairement le processus de gestion des frais scolaires et qu'il est compréhensible pour toutes les parties prenantes. 8. Une fois le schéma finalisé, vous pouvez le partager avec les parties prenantes concernées pour obtenir leurs commentaires ou suggestions d'amélioration.

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