question:Determine the sentiment: In the Comic, Modesty is strong. Alexandra Staden who plays Modesty Blaise looks more like an anorectic fashion model. She does not either have the moral or personality that Modesty have in the comics. Modesty would never give a woman an advice to show more skin to earn more money. I cannot see any similarities with my comic books with Modesty and this movie. Its like a Mission Impossible movie would be about Ethan Hunt locked in the detention room in high school talking with the janitor about when he went to junior high school and Hunt would have been played by DJ Qualls (in Road Trip). Soo if you are an Modesty fan do not see the movie you will just get angry. If do not know much about the Modesty comics rent an other movie do not wast your time with this one.I cannot understand how Quentin Tarantino can put his name on it. I will ask for a refund at my DVD rent store tomorrow. OPTIONS: negative positive
question:This is a test of commonsense. Complete the next sentence: How to be a poultry farmer Use blowers to automate the process of feeding the poultry in cages. Clean beneath the cages. Again, this is usually automated with machines and conveyor belts. OPTIONS: If you can find blowers at department stores, use them. Clean beneath the grates and be careful not to touch any of the milder steamed items, as some of the raw skin will be sprayed in the steam. Provide 1/2 a bucket of milk for feeding. You can buy milk at any pet store or have one in a supply room. Ensure all feeds are cleaned and the cage is clean. Farm companies use blowers to perform additional maintenance checks. Inspect the flock daily and contact a veterinarian at any sign of illness. Since the poultry houses are crowded, disease can spread quickly.
answer:Inspect the flock daily and contact a veterinarian at any sign of illness. Since the poultry houses are crowded, disease can spread quickly.
question:Read this and answer the question. If the question is unanswerable, say unanswerable. Prior to Planck's work, it had been assumed that the energy of a body could take on any value whatsoever – that it was a continuous variable. The Rayleigh–Jeans law makes close predictions for a narrow range of values at one limit of temperatures, but the results diverge more and more strongly as temperatures increase. To make Planck's law, which correctly predicts blackbody emissions, it was necessary to multiply the classical expression by a complex factor that involves h in both the numerator and the denominator. The influence of h in this complex factor would not disappear if it were set to zero or to any other value. Making an equation out of Planck's law that would reproduce the Rayleigh–Jeans law could not be done by changing the values of h, of the Boltzmann constant, or of any other constant or variable in the equation. In this case the picture given by classical physics is not duplicated by a range of results in the quantum picture. Planck's work disproved what assumption?
answer:Planck's work disproved the assumption that the energy of a body could take on any value whatsoever - that it was a continuous variable.
question:Bette Midler showcases her talents and beauty in Diva Las Vegas. I am thrilled that I taped it and I am able to view whenever I want to. She possesses what it takes to keep an audience in captivity. Her voice is as beautiful as ever and will truly impress you. The highlight of the show was her singing Stay With Me from her 1979 movie The Rose. You can feel the emotion in the song and will end up having goose bumps. The show will leave you with the urge to go out and either rent a Bette Midler movie or go to the nearest music store and purchase one of Bette Midler's albums. Did this review think positively or negatively of the movie? OPTIONS: negative positive