question:The customer thought the souvenir was overpriced. As a consequence... Help me pick the more plausible option: The vender sold it to him. He bargained with the vendor.
answer:He probably did not buy the souvenir.
question:Does the word line have the same meaning in these two sentences? There is a narrow line between sanity and insanity. Toe the line.
answer:No. In the first sentence, "line" refers to a boundary or limit, while in the second sentence, "line" means to conform to rules or expectations.
question:LMAO Igor The Troll I slept with only a few Black Girls . they do n't like me generally . I have better luck bedding white girls . Black women are high maintenance . Why may the narrator feel he has no success with black women ? Pick the best answer from the following options: A. The narrator feels that black women are easy to date . B. None of the above choices . C. The narrator feels that black women are low maintenance . D. The narrator feels that black women are not expecting much .
answer:B. None of the above choices. The narrator feels that black women are high maintenance and do not generally like him, which is why he has had limited success with them.
question:Can I replace the sentence The cleanup , including new carpeting , electrical wiring and bathrooms , cost about 130 million . with the sentence The 130 million cleanup included new carpet , electrical wiring and bathrooms . and have it mean the same thing?
answer:Yes, you can replace the first sentence with the second sentence and have it convey the same meaning.