question:Data: name = The Wrestlers, food = Fast food, priceRange = moderate, customer rating = 3 out of 5, familyFriendly = yes. What is a sentence that describe this data?
answer:The Wrestlers is a moderately priced fast food restaurant with a 3 out of 5 customer rating and is family-friendly.
question:Write a dialog with this premise Zac left school two days ago after his mother's fight with the administrators..
answer:Teacher: "Hey, where's Zac? He hasn't been in class for two days." Classmate: "Oh, he left school two days ago. His mother got into a fight with the administrators." Teacher: "What happened?" Classmate: "I'm not sure, but I heard that his mother was upset about something and things got pretty heated." Teacher: "That's too bad. Do you know if he's planning on coming back?" Classmate: "I don't think so. He mentioned something about looking for a new school or being homeschooled." Teacher: "Well, if you hear from him, please let me know. I hope everything works out for him and his family."
question:the following sentence linguistically acceptable? I, I like beer. OPTIONS: unacceptable acceptable
answer:The sentence is linguistically acceptable.
question:f someone is holding out a punctured ball in front of a brown dog with a red collar., can we conclude A person holds a punctured ball in front of a dog.? OPTIONS: yes it is not possible to tell no