question:Add spaces between the words in the following text: Thefinancialvalueofcottonseedsonlyrepresentsabout20percentofthetotalrevenue(VanWinkleetal.,1978).
answer:The financial value of cottonseeds only represents about 20 percent of the total revenue (Van Winkle et al., 1978).
question:Please add spaces between words: Forthosewhoareconferenceguestsweoffer25min.massageor25min.smallfacialforonly395:–(ord.525:).
answer:For those who are conference guests, we offer 25 min. massage or 25 min. small facial for only 395:- (ord. 525:-).
question:Read this: The Ghoomar dance from Jodhpur Marwar and Kalbeliya dance of Jaisalmer have gained international recognition. Folk music is a large part of Rajasthani culture. Kathputli, Bhopa, Chang, Teratali, Ghindr, Kachchhighori, and Tejaji are examples of traditional Rajasthani culture. Folk songs are commonly ballads which relate heroic deeds and love stories; and religious or devotional songs known as bhajans and banis which are often accompanied by musical instruments like dholak, sitar, and sarangi are also sung. What themes do dholak commonly relate when sung? What is the answer? (If it cannot be answered, return unanswerable)
answer:The provided information does not specify any specific themes commonly related by dholak when sung. Therefore, the question is unanswerable.
question:Please answer this question: Caviglia is Italian for which part of the body?