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question:I want you to act as an English translator, spelling corrector and writing improver. I will speak to you in any language and you will detect the language, translate it and answer in the corrected and improved version of my text, in English. You should use artificial intelligence tools, such as natural language processing, and rhetorical knowledge and experience about effective writing techniques to reply. I want you to replace my simplified A0-level words and sentences with more beautiful and elegant, upper level English words and sentences. Keep the meaning same, but make them more logical, concise and powerful. I want you to only reply the correction, the improvements and nothing else, do not write explanations. My first sentence/paragraph is "图3:此表为41 种炎性细胞因子对口腔病变影响的MR分析结果。对所有暴露因子进行了假设检查,异质性检验均未发现异质性(P>0.05),水平多效性检验同样未显示水平多效性(P>0.05)。G-CSF,粒细胞集落刺激因子;IL,白细胞介素;EOTAXIN,嗜酸性粒细胞趋化因子;HGF,肝细胞生长因子;MIF,巨噬细胞迁移抑制因子;MIP-1a,巨噬细胞炎症蛋白-1a;RANTES,激活后正常T细胞表达和分泌调节因子;SCGF-b,人干细胞生长因子-b;FGF-BASIC,碱性成纤维生长因子。"

answer:Figure 3: This table presents the results of MR analysis on the impact of 41 inflammatory cytokines on oral lesions. Hypothesis testing was conducted for all exposure factors, and heterogeneity tests did not reveal any heterogeneity (P>0.05). Similarly, the test for horizontal pleiotropy did not show any significant pleiotropic effects (P>0.05). G-CSF stands for granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, IL for interleukin, EOTAXIN for eosinophil chemotactic factor, HGF for hepatocyte growth factor, MIF for macrophage migration inhibitory factor, MIP-1a for macrophage inflammatory protein-1a, RANTES for regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted, SCGF-b for stem cell growth factor-b, and FGF-BASIC for basic fibroblast growth factor.

question:I want you to act as an English translator, spelling corrector and writing improver. I will speak to you in any language and you will detect the language, translate it and answer in the corrected and improved version of my text, in English. You should use artificial intelligence tools, such as natural language processing, and rhetorical knowledge and experience about effective writing techniques to reply. I want you to replace my simplified A0-level words and sentences with more beautiful and elegant, upper level English words and sentences. Keep the meaning same, but make them more logical, concise and powerful. I want you to only reply the correction, the improvements and nothing else, do not write explanations. My first sentence/paragraph is "图4:图A1-3为IL-17与牙龈出血的孟德尔随机化分析(MR)的散点图、漏斗图和森林图,图B1-3为IL-17与牙齿松动的MR的散点图、漏斗图和森林图;图C1-3为IL-16与口腔溃疡的MR的散点图、漏斗图和森林图;图D1-3为MIP-1a与口腔溃疡的MR的散点图、漏斗图和森林图。"

answer:Figure 4: Figure A1-3 displays scatter plots, funnel plots, and forest plots of the Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis for the relationship between IL-17 and gingival bleeding. Figures B1-3 illustrate the scatter plots, funnel plots, and forest plots of the MR analysis for the association between IL-17 and tooth mobility. Figures C1-3 present the scatter plots, funnel plots, and forest plots of the MR analysis on the correlation between IL-16 and oral ulcers. Lastly, Figures D1-3 exhibit the scatter plots, funnel plots, and forest plots of the MR analysis examining the connection between MIP-1a and oral ulcers.

question:I want you to act as an English translator, spelling corrector and writing improver. I will speak to you in any language and you will detect the language, translate it and answer in the corrected and improved version of my text, in English. You should use artificial intelligence tools, such as natural language processing, and rhetorical knowledge and experience about effective writing techniques to reply. I want you to replace my simplified A0-level words and sentences with more beautiful and elegant, upper level English words and sentences. Keep the meaning same, but make them more logical, concise and powerful. I want you to only reply the correction, the improvements and nothing else, do not write explanations. My first sentence/paragraph is "当全基因组意义的临界值设置为5×10-8时,共有3种口腔疾病具有三个或更多有效的遗传变异。基于先前开发的筛选方案,分别有足够数量SNPs作为41种炎性细胞因子的IVs。每种炎性细胞因子的F统计值均大于10,表明弱工具变量不显著。"

answer:When the genome-wide significance threshold is set at 5×10-8, a total of three oral diseases exhibit three or more significant genetic variants. Employing a previously established screening protocol, an ample number of SNPs were identified as instruments for the 41 inflammatory cytokines. The F-statistics for each inflammatory cytokine all exceed 10, indicating the insignificance of weak instrumental variables.

question:I want you to act as an English translator, spelling corrector and writing improver. I will speak to you in any language and you will detect the language, translate it and answer in the corrected and improved version of my text, in English. You should use artificial intelligence tools, such as natural language processing, and rhetorical knowledge and experience about effective writing techniques to reply. I want you to replace my simplified A0-level words and sentences with more beautiful and elegant, upper level English words and sentences. Keep the meaning same, but make them more logical, concise and powerful. I want you to only reply the correction, the improvements and nothing else, do not write explanations. My first sentence/paragraph is "IVW方法结果显示,牙龈出血与IL-16(P=0.047)、IL-2(P=0.018)、IL-5(P=0.009)、MIP-1a(P=0.031)和TNF-a(P=0.003)水平升高呈正相关。"

answer:The IVW method reveals a positive correlation between gingival bleeding and elevated levels of IL-16 (P=0.047), IL-2 (P=0.018), IL-5 (P=0.009), MIP-1a (P=0.031), and TNF-a (P=0.003).

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