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question:Во время правления Л. И. Брежнева: Выберите один ответ: ввели войска в Чехословакию ввели рыночную экономику разорвали отношения с США расстреляли Л. П. Берия

answer:Ввели войска в Чехословакию.

question:"Todi budy tak govorutu" What could this mean? It's said by an ukranian person

answer:"It could possibly mean 'Everyone says that' or 'Everybody talks like that.' However, without proper spelling and context, it's difficult to give an accurate translation."

question:(In the clubroom, Monika and the rest of the girls are waiting for Natsuki.) Vanessa: “How much longer do we have to wait?! I can feel Arachne moving around in here - she’s trying to come out!” Cupa: “Vanessa, I really hope your water doesn’t break during our club meeting.” Sayori: “Has anybody tried calling Natsuki on the phone?” Monika: “We don’t even know where she’s keeping her phone. More importantly, Ayumi and I are already 4 months pregnant with our own daughters!” Ayumi: “And since Natsuki and Vanessa are ready to pop, its only a matter of time before we get to see their daughters.” Yuri: (lifting up her school uniform) “Can you please keep the voice down? Violet’s kicking up a storm in here - and her kicks are pretty painful.” Andr: (also lifting up her school uniform) “I get that feeling, Yuri. Scarlet’s really active today - she’s getting restless.” Sayori: “Cupa, I know we’re already 5 months pregnant at the same time and Vanessa and Natsuki have the same due date. But…this is the first time I’ve felt my daughter kick.” Cupa: “Mine too, Sayori. And we still have yet to plan the baby shower for Monika tomorrow.” (Just then, Natsuki bursts into the room - out of breath.)

answer:Natsuki: “Sorry, sorry! I had to run some errands and lost track of time.” Monika: “It’s alright. We were just getting worried.” Vanessa: “I’m just glad you’re here now. Arachne was getting impatient.” Cupa: “And our babies were getting restless too.” Natsuki: “Well, I brought some snacks to make it up to you guys.” Yuri: “That’s really sweet of you, Natsuki.” Andr: “Yeah, thanks. Scarlet and I appreciate it.” Sayori: “You always know how to make us feel better.” Monika: “Speaking of feeling better, I’m sure everyone is excited for tomorrow’s baby shower.” Ayumi: “Definitely! It’ll be great to celebrate our little ones together.” Natsuki: “I can’t wait to see what kind of games and activities you come up with, Monika.” Vanessa: “And I can’t wait to see all the adorable baby gifts.” Cupa: “Me too! We should probably start brainstorming some gift ideas for Monika’s little one too.” The girls spend the rest of the club meeting chatting, snacking, and bonding over their impending motherhood. With each passing day, they grow more excited for the new additions to their families.

question:Combine names Rayford, Knifa, Adonis, Amir and form a list of options

answer:1. Rayfamir 2. Adonis Knifa 3. Knifamir 4. Amironis 5. Rayadonif 6. Adoniford 7. Knifadon 8. Amirkniford 9. Rayamir 10. Adonirford

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