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question:(CNN) President Obama delivered his longawaited and wideranging speech Thursday on American and Muslim relations, offering a hand of friendship to Islam and addressing an array of quandaries and conflicts dividing the two cultures. President Obama urges a new chapter in ties between the U.S. and Muslims in a speech Thursday in Cairo, Egypt. At Egypt's Cairo University, Obama quoted from the Quran as he expounded on Islam's glories and rights, the legitimate rights of Israel and the Palestinians, Iranian nuclear aspirations, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, women's rights, economic development, and religious rights and democracy in the Muslim world. President Obama touches on Iran, Mideast conflict, wars in Iraq, Afghanistan Obama says U.S. doesn't want to keep troops in Afghanistan U.S. does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements, Obama says Obama calls America's strong bond with Israel unbreakable

answer:President Obama delivers speech on American and Muslim relations in Cairo, Egypt. He addressed various issues including Iran, the Middle East conflict, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Israeli settlements, women's rights, economic development, and religious rights and democracy in the Muslim world. He emphasized on the need for a new chapter in ties between the US and Muslims. He also highlighted that the US doesn't want to keep troops in Afghanistan and that they do not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements while also acknowledging the strong bond with Israel.

question:want to get a sense for what your understanding is of what is going on in the ninthgrade biology class that your daughter will be attending several years from now. Is it your understanding that Darwin's theory of evolution is going to be taught pursuant to the state academic standards? Are we justified in saying that there are schools that teach evolutionary theory? Yes, no, or maybe?

answer:Yes, it is likely that Darwin's theory of evolution will be taught in ninth-grade biology class according to state academic standards. Therefore, it is accurate to say that "there are schools that teach evolutionary theory."

question:Like TALK RADIO, THE BOOTH is actually kinda predictable (TALK RADIO because we know the truth of what happened going in, THE BOOTH because of let's face it the genre and the basic setup). That's not necessarily a bad thing, in this case. It means, in essence, that the filmmakers don't punk out in the end the way they might've in, say, an American version of this story. THE BOOTH moves inexorably toward its (foregone) conclusion, but is so beautifully crafted on every level that one can enjoy the ride the way one might a familiar cruise along a welltravelled stretch of (very scenic) road. It reminds me of Harlan Ellison's spooky short story, FLOP SWEAT. The claustrophobia is, at times, almost palpable. Worth a nice long look. What sentiment does the writer express for the movie?

answer:The writer expresses a positive sentiment for the movie, stating that it is beautifully crafted on every level and enjoyable to watch despite its predictability. They compare it to a well-travelled scenic road and recommend giving it a thorough viewing.

question:ddled with unanswered questions that it requires gargantuan leaps of faith just to watch it plod along . Did the reviewer find this movie good or bad?

answer:The reviewer found the movie bad.

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