question:What details would you include in a storyline to make it more engaging and informative? No U.S. skater has finished higher than seventh after six Olympic events . New skinsuits, created by Lockheed Martin, were finished right before the Games, leaving little time to adjust to them . Team to revert to old kit also manufactured for them by Under Armour .
answer:To make the storyline more engaging and informative, it would be important to add information about: - The history and achievements of U.S. skaters in previous Olympics - The potential impact of the new skinsuits on performance and how they differ from the old suits - The reasoning behind the decision to revert back to the old kit - The possible consequences of switching back to the old kit - Any other factors that may affect the performance of the U.S. skaters, such as the condition of the ice or the talent of their competitors.
question:Sentence A: The government provides support to the arts in several ways. Sentence B: The president no longer has the support of his own party. support has a similar meaning in sentences A and B. True or False?
question:Reducing resource use means just what it says using fewer resources. There are lots of ways to reduce our use of resources. Buy durable goods. Choose items that are well made so they will last longer. Youll buy fewer items in the long run, so youll save money as well as resources. Thats a winwin! Repair rather than replace. Fix your bike rather than buying a new one. Sew on a button instead of buying a new shirt. Youll use fewer resources and save money. Buy only what you need. Dont buy a gallon of milk if you can only drink half of it before it spoils. Instead, buy a half gallon and drink all of it. You wont be wasting resources (or money!) Buy local. For example, buy local produce at a farmers market, like the one in Figure 2.20. A lot of resources are saved by not shipping goods long distances. Products bought at farmers markets use less packaging, too! About a third of what we throw out is packaging. How does buying local reduce resource use? Would it be good to answer A lot of resources are saved by not shipping goods long distances?
answer:Yes, "A lot of resources are saved by not shipping goods long distances" is a concise and accurate answer to the question of how buying local reduces resource use.
question:approached the man. This happened because... Help me pick the more plausible option: He looked busy. He looked familiar.
answer:It is more plausible that you approached the man because he looked familiar.