question:As a prompt generator for a generative AI called "Midjourney", you will create image prompts for the AI to visualize. I will give you a concept, and you will provide a detailed prompt for Midjourney AI to generate an image. Please adhere to the structure and formatting below, and follow these guidelines: Do not use the words "description" or ":" in any form. Do not place a comma between [ar] and [v]. Write each prompt in one line without using return. Structure: [1] = In a medieval fantasy world, in a muddy field after the rain, a burly man is swinging a massive sword, engaging in training exercises. [2] = a detailed description of [1] with specific imagery details. [3] = a detailed description of the scene's environment. [4] = a detailed description of the compositions. [5] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [6] = A style (e.g. photography, painting, illustration, sculpture, artwork, paperwork, 3D, etc.) for [1]. [7] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [ar] = Use "--ar 16:9" for horizontal images, "--ar 9:16" for vertical images, or "--ar 1:1" for square images. [v] = Use "--niji" for Japanese art style, or "--v 5" for other styles. Formatting: Follow this prompt structure: "/imagine prompt: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [ar] [v]". Your task: Create 4 distinct prompts for each concept [1], varying in details description, environment,compositions,atmosphere, and realization. Write your prompts in english. Do not describe unreal concepts as "real" or "photographic". Include one realistic photographic style prompt with lens type and size. Separate different prompts with two new lines. Example Prompts: /imagine prompt: cute dog, fluffy fur, wagging tail, playful expression, sitting on a grassy field, under a clear blue sky, with a colorful collar, in a natural and vibrant setting, by a lake, captured with a Nikon D750 camera, 50mm lens, shallow depth of field, composition focused on the dog's face, capturing its joyful spirit, in a style reminiscent of William Wegman's iconic dog portraits. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: beautiful women in the coffee shop, elegant and sophisticated, sipping a cup of steaming coffee, natural sunlight streaming through the window, soft and warm color tones, vintage decor with cozy armchairs and wooden tables, a bookshelf filled with classic novels, delicate porcelain teacups, a hint of aromatic coffee beans in the air, captured by a Leica M10 camera, 35mm lens, capturing the essence of timeless beauty, composition focused on the woman's face and hands, reminiscent of a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: A captivating Halo Reach landscape with a Spartan amidst a battlefield, fallen enemies around, smoke and fire in the background, emphasizing the Spartan's determination and bravery, detailed environment blending chaos and beauty, Illustration, digital art, --ar 16:9 --v 5
answer:/imagine prompt: In a medieval fantasy world, in a muddy field after a heavy rainstorm, a hulking warrior is vigorously wielding a colossal hammer, engaging in a rigorous training session. His brawny frame is covered in scars and sweat while his fierce gaze remains fixed on perfecting his battle skills. First rays of sunlight peak through dark clouds, casting an ethereal glow on his battle-worn armor, accentuating its intricate engravings and weathered textures. The field is dotted with puddles reflecting the vibrant hues of the sky, creating a captivating symphony of colors. With every swing of the massive hammer, droplets of mud splay across the air, capturing the raw power and intensity of the warrior's training. The surrounding trees sway in the strong winds, their branches stretching towards the heavens as if offering their silent support to the warrior. The overall atmosphere is one of perseverance, growth, and resilience. The image should be realized as a digital artwork that showcases the dynamic brushstrokes, vibrant colors, and meticulous details. /ar 16:9 /v 5 /imagine prompt: In an enchanted forest bathed in golden sunlight, a fearsome knight clad in gleaming armor stands tall amidst a carpet of wildflowers, holding aloft a majestic sword. The surrounding air is filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming blooms, while butterflies gracefully dance around the knight, their delicate wings shimmering in the warm glow. A gentle breeze rustles through the leaves, making the flowers sway and creating a harmonious symphony of nature's whispers. Rays of sunlight filter through the dense foliage, casting mesmerizing patterns of light and shadow on the forest floor, accentuating the knight's stoic expression and highlighting the intricate engravings on his armor. The composition focuses on the knight, capturing the awe-inspiring sense of power and honor emanating from him. The overall mood is one of tranquility, magic, and spiritual connection with nature. This image should be realized as a painting with a soft, impressionistic style that captures the enchanting beauty of the scene. /ar 9:16 /v 5 /imagine prompt: Beneath a stormy sky, amidst a desolate wasteland, a lone wanderer dressed in tattered clothing braves harsh winds while holding a battered and makeshift weapon fashioned from scrap metal. The barren landscape stretches as far as the eye can see, with jagged rocks and cracked earth adding to the desolation. Dark clouds loom ominously overhead, threatening to unleash a torrential downpour. The wanderer's tired eyes reflect a combination of determination and weariness, telling tales of a treacherous journey. The wind howls through abandoned ruins, carrying the echoes of a forgotten civilization. The composition captures the wanderer's silhouette against the foreboding sky, emphasizing their resilience and tenacity in the face of adversity. The overall atmosphere is one of isolation, survival, and post-apocalyptic melancholy. This image should be realized as a gritty and realistic photograph, shot with a wide-angle lens to enhance the vastness of the barren landscape. /ar 16:9 /v 5 /imagine prompt: In an ancient temple immersed in twilight, a graceful samurai warrior engages in a mesmerizing katana duel with a ghostly apparition. The temple's interior is adorned with ornate wooden carvings and illuminated by the gentle glow of flickering torches. Rays of moonlight pierce through the stained glass windows, casting ethereal shadows on the intricate patterns of the floor. The atmosphere is filled with a sense of mystery and spirituality, enhancing the mystical nature of the duel. The warrior's precise movements and focused expression mirror their unwavering determination to vanquish the supernatural foe. Swirls of spectral energy surround the ghostly adversary, emphasizing its ephemeral nature. The composition centers on the clash between the warrior and the ghost, capturing the intensity and grace of their lethal dance. This image should be realized as an illustration with bold lines, vibrant colors, and a touch of otherworldly ambiance. /ar 9:16 /v 5.2
question:Ein Patient ruft in einer Arzt Praxis an und spricht mit dem Sekretaer. Erzeugen Sie ein Dialogbeispiel fr die Absicht 'Book_Appointment' (Termin vereinbaren) unter Verwendung der folgenden Aktionen und Entitaeten: Entities: Patient_Name (Full name), Appointment_Date, Appointment_Time, Appointment_Type (Reason for Appointment), Doctor_Name, Patient_Birthdate, Insurance_status (Private or Gesetzlich), Customer_status (Already Customer?). Jede Entitt sollte folgende Informationen enthalten: 'entity' (Entitaet), 'value' (Wert). Actions: Check_Calendar, Appointment_Proposal, Confirm_Appointment, Ask_for_name,Ask_for_Birthdate, Ask_for_which_Doktor, Ask_for_customer_status, Ask_for_what_reason, Ask_for_Insurance_status, Ask_for_which_date, Ask_for_what_time, Greeting, Farewell. Intent is the whole time "Book_Appointment" Jeder Dialog sollte folgende Informationen enthalten: 'role' (Rolle), 'utterance' (Aeuerung), 'intent' (Absicht, wenn zutreffend), 'actions' (Aktionen, falls zutreffend), 'entities' (Entitaeten, falls zutreffend). Der Dialog soll in der deutschen Sprache sein Die einzelnen Dialoge sollen sich vom Aufbau stark unterscheiden, jedoch soll der Formale Aufbau "role","uterance", "intent", "action", "entities" stehts aufrecht erhalten bleiben. Die actions und entities sollen sich auf den jeweilig gesagten Satz beziehen und nicht auf den Satz danach. Sollte der jeweilige Satz eine entitie beziehen, dann sollte die entitie erneut angegeben werden. Wie zum Beispiel wenn die Sekretrin den Patienten Namen sagt sollte erneut Patient_Name bei diesem Satz angegeben sein. Das ist ein Beispiel fr den formalen Aufbau (Bitte beachte, dass sich die Dialoge stark unterscheiden sollen und auch die Inhalte der Entitaeten sich unterscheiden sollen. Also der Patient soll einen anderen Namen beziehungsweise Geburtsdatum haben.): "role": "Patient", "utterance": "sentence", "actions": [""], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": ["entity": "", "value": ""] , "role": "Sekretaer", "utterance": "sentence", "actions": [""], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": ["entity": "", "value": ""] , Die einzelnen Dialoge sollen sich vom Aufbau stark unterscheiden. Schreibe einen Dialog mit mindestens 5 Eintraege fuer den Patienten und mindestens 5 Eintraege fuer den Sekretaer. Schreibe jetzt einen vollstaendigen Dialog unter Beachtung der obigen Details:
answer:"role": "Patient", "utterance": "Guten Tag, ich moechte gerne einen Termin vereinbaren.", "actions": [], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": [] , "role": "Sekretaer", "utterance": "Guten Tag! Natuerlich, gerne! Wie ist Ihr vollstaendiger Name?", "actions": ["Ask_for_name"], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": ["entity": "Patient_Name", "value": "Max Mustermann"] , "role": "Patient", "utterance": "Ich bin Max Mustermann.", "actions": [], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": ["entity": "Patient_Name", "value": "Max Mustermann"] , "role": "Sekretaer", "utterance": "Vielen Dank, Herr Mustermann. Was ist der Grund fuers den Besuch?", "actions": ["Ask_for_what_reason"], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": [] , "role": "Patient", "utterance": "Ich habe starke Bauchschmerzen und moechte gerne untersucht werden.", "actions": [], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": ["entity": "Appointment_Type", "value": "Untersuchung"] , "role": "Sekretaer", "utterance": "Ich verstehe, Herr Mustermann. Welcher Arzt waere Ihnen recht?", "actions": ["Ask_for_which_Doctor"], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": [] , "role": "Patient", "utterance": "Ich wuerde gerne zu Dr. Schmidt gehen.", "actions": [], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": ["entity": "Doctor_Name", "value": "Dr. Schmidt"] , "role": "Sekretaer", "utterance": "In Ordnung, Herr Mustermann. Um einen passenden Termin finden zu koennen, brauche ich noch Ihr Geburtsdatum.", "actions": ["Ask_for_Birthdate"], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": [] , "role": "Patient", "utterance": "Mein Geburtsdatum ist der 12. Mai 1985.", "actions": [], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": ["entity": "Patient_Birthdate", "value": "12. Mai 1985"] , "role": "Sekretaer", "utterance": "Vielen Dank, Herr Mustermann. Bislang waren Sie noch nicht bei uns, oder? Ich bitte um einen kurzen Augenblick, um den passenden Termin zu finden.", "actions": ["Ask_for_customer_status"], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": [] , "role": "Patient", "utterance": "Ja, das ist korrekt. Ich bin noch kein Kunde bei Ihnen.", "actions": [], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": ["entity": "Customer_status", "value": "No"] , "role": "Sekretaer", "utterance": "Danke fuer die Information, Herr Mustermann. Koennten Sie mir bitte noch mitteilen, ob Sie privat oder gesetzlich versichert sind?", "actions": ["Ask_for_Insurance_status"], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": [] , "role": "Patient", "utterance": "Ich bin privat versichert.", "actions": [], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": ["entity": "Insurance_status", "value": "Private"] , "role": "Sekretaer", "utterance": "Alles klar, Herr Mustermann. Ich habe einen passenden Termin gefunden. Am 23. Oktober um 10 Uhr bei Dr. Schmidt. Passt Ihnen das?", "actions": ["Appointment_Proposal"], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": ["entity": "Appointment_Date", "value": "23. Oktober"], ["entity": "Appointment_Time", "value": "10 Uhr"] , "role": "Patient", "utterance": "Ja, das passt mir gut.", "actions": ["Confirm_Appointment"], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": [] , "role": "Sekretaer", "utterance": "Perfekt, Herr Mustermann. Ich habe den Termin fuer Sie vermerkt. Wir sehen uns am 23. Oktober um 10 Uhr bei Dr. Schmidt. Haben Sie noch weitere Fragen?", "actions": [], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": [] , "role": "Patient", "utterance": "Nein, das war alles. Vielen Dank!", "actions": ["Farewell"], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": [] , "role": "Sekretaer", "utterance": "Gern geschehen, Herr Mustermann. Auf Wiedersehen und gute Besserung!", "actions": [], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": []
question:Ein Patient ruft in einer Arzt Praxis an und spricht mit dem Sekretaer. Erzeugen Sie ein Dialogbeispiel fr die Absicht 'Book_Appointment' (Termin vereinbaren) unter Verwendung der folgenden Aktionen und Entitaeten: Entities: Patient_Name (Full name), Appointment_Date, Appointment_Time, Appointment_Type (Reason for Appointment), Doctor_Name, Patient_Birthdate, Insurance_status (Private or Gesetzlich), Customer_status (Already Customer?). Jede Entitt sollte folgende Informationen enthalten: 'entity' (Entitaet), 'value' (Wert). Actions: Check_Calendar, Appointment_Proposal, Confirm_Appointment, Ask_for_name,Ask_for_Birthdate, Ask_for_which_Doktor, Ask_for_customer_status, Ask_for_what_reason, Ask_for_Insurance_status, Ask_for_which_date, Ask_for_what_time, Greeting, Farewell. Intent is the whole time "Book_Appointment" Jeder Dialog sollte folgende Informationen enthalten: 'role' (Rolle), 'utterance' (Aeuerung), 'intent' (Absicht, wenn zutreffend), 'actions' (Aktionen, falls zutreffend), 'entities' (Entitaeten, falls zutreffend). Der Dialog soll in der deutschen Sprache sein Die einzelnen Dialoge sollen sich vom Aufbau stark unterscheiden, jedoch soll der Formale Aufbau "role","uterance", "intent", "action", "entities" stehts aufrecht erhalten bleiben. Die actions und entities sollen sich auf den jeweilig gesagten Satz beziehen und nicht auf den Satz danach. Sollte der jeweilige Satz eine entitie beziehen, dann sollte die entitie erneut angegeben werden. Wie zum Beispiel wenn die Sekretrin den Patienten Namen sagt sollte erneut Patient_Name bei diesem Satz angegeben sein. Das ist ein Beispiel fr den formalen Aufbau (Bitte beachte, dass sich die Dialoge stark unterscheiden sollen und auch die Inhalte der Entitaeten sich unterscheiden sollen. Also der Patient soll einen anderen Namen beziehungsweise Geburtsdatum haben.): "role": "Patient", "utterance": "sentence", "actions": [""], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": ["entity": "", "value": ""] , "role": "Sekretaer", "utterance": "sentence", "actions": [""], "intent": "Book_Appointment", "entities": ["entity": "", "value": ""] , Die einzelnen Dialoge sollen sich vom Aufbau stark unterscheiden. Schreibe einen Dialog mit mindestens 5 Eintraege fuer den Patienten und mindestens 5 Eintraege fuer den Sekretaer. Schreibe jetzt einen vollstaendigen Dialog unter Beachtung der obigen Details:
answer:"role": "Patient", "utterance": "Guten Tag, ich moechte gerne einen Termin vereinbaren.", "intent": "Book_Appointment", "actions": [], "entities": [] "role": "Sekretaer", "utterance": "Guten Tag, selbstverstaendlich. Um welchen Arzt handelt es sich denn?", "intent": "Book_Appointment", "actions": ["Ask_for_which_Doktor"], "entities": [] "role": "Patient", "utterance": "Dr. Mueller.", "intent": "Book_Appointment", "actions": [], "entities": ["entity": "Doctor_Name", "value": "Dr. Mueller"] "role": "Sekretaer", "utterance": "In Ordnung. Um was fuer einen Termin handelt es sich?", "intent": "Book_Appointment", "actions": ["Ask_for_what_reason"], "entities": [] "role": "Patient", "utterance": "Ich moechte einen Termin fuer eine Routineuntersuchung.", "intent": "Book_Appointment", "actions": [], "entities": ["entity": "Appointment_Type", "value": "Routineuntersuchung"] "role": "Sekretaer", "utterance": "Alles klar. Bitte geben Sie mir Ihren vollstaendigen Namen.", "intent": "Book_Appointment", "actions": ["Ask_for_name"], "entities": [] "role": "Patient", "utterance": "Mein Name ist Anna Schmidt.", "intent": "Book_Appointment", "actions": [], "entities": ["entity": "Patient_Name", "value": "Anna Schmidt"] "role": "Sekretaer", "utterance": "Gut, Frau Schmidt. Wann moechten Sie den Termin haben?", "intent": "Book_Appointment", "actions": ["Ask_for_which_date"], "entities": [] "role": "Patient", "utterance": "Am besten naechste Woche am Montag.", "intent": "Book_Appointment", "actions": [], "entities": ["entity": "Appointment_Date", "value": "naechste Woche Montag"] "role": "Sekretaer", "utterance": "Und zu welcher Uhrzeit?", "intent": "Book_Appointment", "actions": ["Ask_for_what_time"], "entities": [] "role": "Patient", "utterance": "10 Uhr waere perfekt.", "intent": "Book_Appointment", "actions": [], "entities": ["entity": "Appointment_Time", "value": "10 Uhr"] "role": "Sekretaer", "utterance": "Vielen Dank. Ich werde den Termin pruefen und bestaetigen. Bis dahin.", "intent": "Book_Appointment", "actions": ["Check_Calendar"], "entities": []
question:TSF输入法开发,请将下面的函数改写到C#语言 BOOL RegisterServer() { DWORD copiedStringLen = 0; HKEY regKeyHandle = nullptr; HKEY regSubkeyHandle = nullptr; BOOL ret = FALSE; WCHAR achIMEKey[ARRAYSIZE(RegInfo_Prefix_CLSID) + CLSID_STRLEN] = {'0'}; WCHAR achFileName[MAX_PATH] = {'0'}; if (!CLSIDToString(Global::SampleIMECLSID, achIMEKey + ARRAYSIZE(RegInfo_Prefix_CLSID) - 1)) { return FALSE; } memcpy(achIMEKey, RegInfo_Prefix_CLSID, sizeof(RegInfo_Prefix_CLSID) - sizeof(WCHAR)); if (RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, achIMEKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, ®KeyHandle, &copiedStringLen) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (RegSetValueEx(regKeyHandle, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)TEXTSERVICE_DESC, (_countof(TEXTSERVICE_DESC))*sizeof(WCHAR)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto Exit; } if (RegCreateKeyEx(regKeyHandle, RegInfo_Key_InProSvr32, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, ®SubkeyHandle, &copiedStringLen) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { copiedStringLen = GetModuleFileNameW(Global::dllInstanceHandle, achFileName, ARRAYSIZE(achFileName)); copiedStringLen = (copiedStringLen >= (MAX_PATH - 1)) ? MAX_PATH : (++copiedStringLen); if (RegSetValueEx(regSubkeyHandle, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)achFileName, (copiedStringLen)*sizeof(WCHAR)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto Exit; } if (RegSetValueEx(regSubkeyHandle, RegInfo_Key_ThreadModel, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)TEXTSERVICE_MODEL, (_countof(TEXTSERVICE_MODEL)) * sizeof(WCHAR)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto Exit; } ret = TRUE; } } Exit: if (regSubkeyHandle) { RegCloseKey(regSubkeyHandle); regSubkeyHandle = nullptr; } if (regKeyHandle) { RegCloseKey(regKeyHandle); regKeyHandle = nullptr; } return ret; }
answer:using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)] static extern int RegCreateKeyEx( IntPtr hKey, string lpSubKey, int reserved, string lpClass, int dwOptions, int samDesired, IntPtr lpSecurityAttributes, out SafeRegistryHandle phkResult, out int lpdwDisposition); [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)] static extern int RegSetValueEx( SafeRegistryHandle hKey, string lpValueName, int reserved, RegistryValueKind dwType, byte[] lpData, int cbData); [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)] static extern int RegCloseKey(IntPtr hKey); [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] static extern int GetModuleFileName( IntPtr hModule, StringBuilder lpFilename, int nSize); bool RegisterServer() { int copiedStringLen = 0; SafeRegistryHandle regKeyHandle = null; SafeRegistryHandle regSubkeyHandle = null; bool ret = false; string achIMEKey = new string('0', RegInfo_Prefix_CLSID.Length + CLSID_STRLEN); StringBuilder achFileName = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); if (!CLSIDToString(Global.SampleIMECLSID, achIMEKey, RegInfo_Prefix_CLSID.Length - 1)) { return false; } Buffer.BlockCopy(RegInfo_Prefix_CLSID, 0, achIMEKey.ToCharArray(), 0, RegInfo_Prefix_CLSID.Length * sizeof(char)); if (RegCreateKeyEx( RegistryHive.ClassesRoot, achIMEKey, 0, null, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, IntPtr.Zero, out regKeyHandle, out copiedStringLen) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (RegSetValueEx( regKeyHandle, null, 0, RegistryValueKind.String, Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(TEXTSERVICE_DESC), (TEXTSERVICE_DESC.Length + 1) * sizeof(char)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto Exit; } if (RegCreateKeyEx( regKeyHandle, RegInfo_Key_Ime, 0, null, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, IntPtr.Zero, out regSubkeyHandle, out copiedStringLen) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { copiedStringLen = GetModuleFileName( Global.dllInstanceHandle, achFileName, MAX_PATH); copiedStringLen = (copiedStringLen >= (MAX_PATH - 1)) ? MAX_PATH : ++copiedStringLen; if (RegSetValueEx( regSubkeyHandle, null, 0, RegistryValueKind.String, Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(achFileName.ToString()), copiedStringLen * sizeof(char)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto Exit; } if (RegSetValueEx( regSubkeyHandle, RegInfo_Key_ThreadModel, 0, RegistryValueKind.String, Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(TEXTSERVICE_MODEL), (TEXTSERVICE_MODEL.Length + 1) * sizeof(char)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto Exit; } ret = true; } } Exit: if (regSubkeyHandle != null) { regSubkeyHandle.Dispose(); regSubkeyHandle = null; } if (regKeyHandle != null) { regKeyHandle.Dispose(); regKeyHandle = null; } return ret; }